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Tai Chi: What's In It For Me?

Updated: Aug 17

The history of Tai Chi goes back to the 1500's. It began as a fighting style just like what you might visualize if you think of movies with ninjas and Kung Fu fighters. Eventually it transitioned from a fighting martial art into an "internal" martial art. It became a "movement meditation" or a slow, gentle, meditative approach to movement. In the early 1900's the Chinese government created the 24 Form or Short form, which took 24 movements or pieces out of a much longer format and standardized it "for the masses" (the general population).

The benefits of including Tai Chi into your exercise regimen are numerous. Because of the slow meditative approach to movement, some people question it as an exercise modality since the aerobic component is not high. You should not dismiss it, however, simply because you might not brake a sweat doing it! The intensity of this form of exercise can be increased or decreased depending on the depth of the postures and the duration of practice. It is certainly a low-impact form of exercise which is beneficial to people with existing joint issues and to people who want to avoid joint issues.

Tai Chi is one of the most scientifically studied exercise modalities; probably because it has been practiced by so many people the world over and has lasted for hundreds of years. But allow me to list some benefits provided by the well known Mayo Clinic right here in the U.S.A.

Improved aerobic capacity.

Increased energy and stamina.

Improved flexibility, balance & agility.

Improved muscle strength and definition.

Enhanced quality of sleep.

Enhanced functioning of the immune system.

Reduction in blood pressure.

Reduction in joint pain.

Improved symptoms of congenital heart failure.

Reduction in the risk of falls in older adults.

Decreased stress, anxiety and depression.

Improved mood.

Improved overall well-being.

A pretty impressive list, yes? There are hundreds of studies from around the world over the course of many years verifying the list above plus more studies concerning improvements in cognitive functioning in older adults, particularly in the realm of "executive functioning".

Finally, for me personally, Tai Chi has been an important piece of my fitness "puzzle".

I learned 24 "movement patterns" of Tai Chi during the Covid pandemic when our gym was shuttered. I learned it on the internet in the safety and privacy of my own home.

It was not easy for me, but I was persistent and determined. I was so determined I actually became a certified instructor! I decided, however, not to add this to my personal training offerings. Tai Chi can be learned via group classes at most YMCA's. I tried that route, but did not care for the large class format. (But maybe it will work for you.) I urge you to learn it at your own individual pace and in the privacy and comfort of your own domicile.

You can learn it as I did. I am letting you know my "secret" as a public service, no strings attached! Seriously; I am not making a single penny by referring you. Tai Chi kept me sane during Covid and later helped me cope through a very stressful winter just this year. The ultimate benefit of Tai Chi for me has been what YOU WILL LEARN LAST after you learn and practice only 24 moves; It's all about BREATHING. Breath control will calm you down better than any drug, exercise program, alcohol, religion, philosophy, etc. I am totally convinced of that!!

The videos are very professional, clear and logical. You teacher is Diane Bailey, who owns a small Tai Chi studio with her husband in Aurora Colorado. Your access to her site is only $14.95 per month, with no contract or sales gimmicks. She also has an active Facebook group. And you can try it for free for 7 days. I suggest that you dive in and practice for 20 minutes a day for 3 months; it may change your life!

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