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Sandbag Info 

          D.V.R.T.  Ultimate Sandbags
  (Direct Variable Resistance Training)
                   Certified Instructor     
      A Unique System , Not a Gimmick

Photo of DVRT Sandbags & kettlebells at the studio

Sandbags are another fitness "tool" I like to use with my clients, primarily because most of my people find them to be fun, non-threatening and effective.  Like dumbbells, barbells or kettlebells sandbags are a type of weight that can be used as resistance to train your muscles to get stronger.


They have some key features and benefits that make them unique.  First, instead of being made of solid metal, they are indeed bags of sand!  These modern sandbags have several handles set in a variety of directions, designed to allow the user to hold the bag in different ways.  The bags are made of heavy duty vinyl, so we can easily wipe them down to keep them clean and sanitary, and they are soft, which allows you to hold them against your body safely and comfortably.  This last point about their softness is a big reason why I believe my clients find sandbags to be non-intimidating, easier to learn how to use than say kettlebells, and therefore fun to use.


Inside each Ultimate Sandbag are two "bladder" bags partially filled with sand.  And that's what makes this fitness tool unique.  That extra space in each internal bladder bag allows the sand to move around just a little bit within the outer bag.  This creates some variability in how heavy the bag feels as the user moves the bag in space while they perform an exercise.


So a 20 pound D.V.R.T. Sandbag FEELS slightly heavier than a 20 pound kettlebell or 20 pound dumbbell. This small variablity is noticed by your brain even more than you can perceive consciously as you lift the object. This concept is more in line with "real world" strength, not just "gym strength".  In the real world you are not picking up perfectly balanced gym weights like kettlebells.  You are often carrying awkward unbalanced boxes, bags, luggage, rocks, children, dogs etc!!


Sandbags are also an amazing tool for improving your ability to ROTATE.  If you play golf, tennis, softball or pickleball these sports involve a lot of rotating your body with strength, power and speed.

Injuries can occur if your body lacks the stability and strength when it comes to rotating as you swing a racket or throw a ball.  And don't forget snow shoveling as another example. Sandbags are THE best tool for improving your rotation ability.


I have spent many hours reading, learning and practicing how to safely use them, and last year became a certified instructor by the inventor of this product who developed this system.  I am proud to be, as far as I know, the only certified instructor in the Capital Region.




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